Bombers 2 1/2 Ring Elliptical B14 Bit


  • $155.00
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Key Features

A ring cheek piece introduces poll pressure as well as creating leverage on the mouthpiece, the 2½ Ring version is the softest out of the 3 or 4 ring alternatives as the ½ ring softens the leverage on the mouthpiece and poll.

The Elliptical is stronger than the Control Plate due to it concentrating pressure onto a smaller surface area. This bit will suit a horse that pushes the bit with its tongue. The horse will draw its head back and tuck its chin in, finding a better balance of control.


The cheekpiece is available in 2 sizes, standard and a slightly smaller model for a pony. Supplied with a nylon back strap.


The mouthpiece can be optionally more curved, creating a more comfortable bend than the conventional, which reduces pinch and spreads pressure points around the bars.

Supplied with a nylon back strap.

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